
Wednesday 13 January 2021

When does the risk of miscarriage occur


When does the risk of miscarriage occur

Miscarriage Spontaneous miscarriage is a condition that can occur up to 20 weeks before a woman becomes pregnant.

There are various causes of miscarriage. There are many factors that can cause miscarriage, such as diet, physical health, and lifestyle. It can happen anytime during the first trimester of a woman's first trimester of pregnancy. For some it can take up to 20 weeks. However this period may rarely occur. This miscarriage may vary between women

Statistics on miscarriage

The number of people who experience a successful delivery after pregnancy is not 100%. This is because some women have spontaneous abortions before they even know they are pregnant. This pregnancy loss can occur in up to half of pregnancies. However it is not known to many as it is an unknown pregnancy.

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One statistic is that 10 to 15% of women experience miscarriage after a woman realizes she is pregnant.When does the risk of miscarriage occur

When miscarriage

It can happen in their second or third month i.e. 12th week after a woman finds out she is pregnant. 15% of miscarriages occur during this period. The next miscarriage is a miscarriage that occurs between 13 weeks and 19 weeks, and a miscarriage that occurs within 19 weeks of the second trimester of pregnancy is called a late miscarriage.

This miscarriage that occurs during this period of pregnancy is not included in the statistics as miscarriage. Because it is called childbirth loss.

What happens during a miscarriage

The risk of miscarriage may be higher or lower. Early miscarriages are beyond the control of women. It is caused by abnormal chromosomes. Learn about the risk of miscarriage for a variety of reasons.

At 3 to 4 weeks of gestation, the ovum and sperm form, and the embryo enters the womb. 50 to 75% of positive pregnancy tests occur before this. This is called a chemical pregnancy.

A 2013 study found that the miscarriage rate in the 5th week of pregnancy may be as high as 21.3%. This miscarriage may have a higher or lower risk depending on the maternal and fetal causes.

At 6 to 7 weeks, a woman's miscarriage can be up to 5%. This is the time when the fetal heartbeat can come. Female miscarriage occurs at 8 to 13 weeks of gestation, ie at three months of gestation. I.e. only 2 to 4%. That is why it is said that a woman should be more careful during the first trimester of pregnancy.When does the risk of miscarriage occur

This is very rare as miscarriage occurs in only 1% of these fifth months for the next 14 to 20 weeks.

Who is at risk for miscarriage

It is necessary for the woman to have a full examination of their health as soon as she becomes pregnant. The risk of miscarriage is greatly reduced when examined with the advice of a physician.

Decreased egg quality when a woman becomes pregnant at an extra age is the main cause of pregnancy loss. The ovum has genetic problems with abnormal chromosomes.

The age of a pregnant woman can range from 9 to 17% if she is between 20 and 30 years old. 20% for those over 35 years of age. 40% of those who become pregnant at the age of 40 and up to 80% of women who become pregnant after the age of 45 have a higher risk of miscarriage.

Chronic diseases, lifestyle, hormonal changes, etc. can also increase the risk of miscarriage. Some people may have a miscarriage during the first artificial insemination.

After miscarriage

Miscarriage is a spontaneous miscarriage that affects women physically and mentally. Physical health can only be achieved if there is mental health. So mentally it is important for them to recover.

Do not be emotionally affected. Even if the miscarriage is first or second, a healthy pregnancy after that is possible. It takes a long time to recover from the effects of mental fatigue because it can take place naturally.

What you need to know about miscarriage!

Once a miscarriage occurs, there is a chance of recurrence. However the risk of miscarriage after re-pregnancy can be greatly reduced as women with a history of miscarriage in particular can only approach a doctor who knows their history.

Very rarely, some women have a 1 to 2% chance of having another miscarriage. However physical health and mental recovery and proper treatment will make fertility possible.

Tips to prevent Pragnancy miscariage

1- Eat the healthy food suitable for the baby.

2- Daily exercise lightly 

When does the risk of miscarriage occur
3- Less use of Caffine

4- Be safe from drug or Smoking

5- Don’t take too much stress

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